About me

My name is Kemele M. Endris. I am a Research Associate at Scientific Data Management group in Joint Lab L3S Research Center and Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology University Library (TIB), Hannover, Germany. I was part of the WDAqua project, an EU H2020 training network, on answering queries using the Web of Data. I am participating in H2020 projects iASiS and QualiChain, and ImProVIT project. My research interests include Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data, Data Science, Semantic Data Lakes, Question Answering, and Data Integration and Management. I co-organized AMAR 2019 workshop and CSCUBS 2016, and reviewer for workshops (MEPDaW, CSCUBS), conferences (DILS, ESWC, SIGMOD/POD), and journals (SWJ, IEEEAccess).